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Welcome to the homepage of MintPPC!

Software Archive. We are the go-to destination on the Internet for helping to keep your PowerPC Macs alive and well. We provide downloads to a multitude of software to help you have a much better experience with your older Macintosh! Click the Software tab along the top to find categories for PPC-compatible software,. For that we can thank MorphOS 3.5, a free-to-try Amigalike operating system developed by Amiga and PowerPC aficionados. With a simple download and a CD-burn, you can turn an aging G4-era Macintosh.

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MintPPC is a Linux distribution for PPC computers based on Debian sid and Linux Mint. The focus lies on a lightweight desktop environment with a simple and beautiful graphical layer. I chose LXDE as it is a great compromise between lightweight and functionality. On top of this comes a beautiful Mint layer and a good set of default programs which is geared towards desktop users. Turok 2 remastered cheats.

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